What We Do
NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland) is Ireland’s official standards body.
We operate under the National Standards Authority of Ireland Act (1996) and we are accountable to the Minister for Business, Employment and Retail at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. As Ireland’s Official standards body, NSAI aims to inspire consumer confidence and create the infrastructure for products and services to be recognized and relied on, all over the world.
Where a standard already exists, NSAI works with businesses to help them apply it. Where a standard may be needed, NSAI will work with relevant parties at national or international level to create and develop the appropriate standard. NSAI improves the performance of Irish business and protects consumers through the setting of standards and issuing of certification in the quality and safety of goods and services.
ISO 9001
Win clients and boost sales with quality services.
ISO 13485
Affirm your commitment to producing safe medical devices.
ISO 14001
Become an environmentally-friendly business.
ISO 27001
Gain clients' trust by protecting sensitive data.
ISO 45001
Impress clients with commitment to health and safety.
ISO 50001
Improve your environmentally-friendly practices.