Electronic Recyclers - What is R2v3 certification and what are the benefits?

For Electronic Recyclers, there is a lot of pressure to address the environmental, health and safety concerns around the material they process and handle. In today’s competitive business climate, organizations and industries are constantly seeking ways to improve their public image and overall sustainability. Vary rarely are organizations able to manage this improvement without outside pressure and aid. One effective way to achieve this improvement is by adhering to standards and certifications requirements that ensure accountability through regular third-party auditor review. One such standard is Sustainable Electronic Recycling International’s (SERI) Responsible Recycling R2v3 standard, which is designed to promote responsible electronics recycling.
Sustainable Electronic Recycling International’s (SERI), is a non-profit organization that promotes safe environmental, health and safety practices through sustainable electronic recycling. Electronic waste (e-waste) is an ever-growing and according to the United Nations Environmental Program:
The world produces as much as 50 million tons of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste) a year, weighing more than all of the commercial airliners ever made. Only 20% of this is formally recycled.
SERI’s mission with the R2v3 standard is to outline the requirements for sound responsible recycling practices, including the handling of data security, worker health and safety, as well as managing hazardous waste found within these devices. Furthermore, on the sustainability front these used electronics are a literal gold mine:
The e-waste produced annually is worth over $62.5 billion, more than the GDP of most countries. There is 100 times more gold in a ton of e-waste than in a ton of gold ore.
The goal of the R2v3 standard is to ensure that e-waste is recycled in the way that protects the environmental, human health, all while maximizing the recovery of valuable and precious materials.
The focus really is not just recycling but reuse first as the highest priority. From the R2v3 standard itself:
Core Requirement 2. Hierarchy of Responsible Management Strategies
General Principle – To develop and adhere to a policy for managing used and end-of-life electronic equipment, components, and materials that is based on a hierarchy of responsible management strategies prioritizing reuse first, followed by materials recovery for recycling into new products.
Calling All Electronic Recyclers – Who can R2v3 Certification benefit?
Or should we say electronic waste collector, refurbisher, repairer, reseller, manufacturer, demanufacturer, recover assester, ITADer, and e-waste broker. Any organization, big or small, that is a part of this e-waste chain can benefit from properly implementing R2v3 certification requirements. R2v3 certification will give you an overall competitive edge with better market visibility and public trust. Access to responsible business partners, used electronic auctions, improved sourcing and ultimately increases in your bottom line. Certification demonstrates your businesses commitment to responsible and sustainable business practices for peace of mind for owner, shareholders and their staff.
To learn about the details of the R2v3 certification process, costs and more please reach out to us at www.wilkshireconsulting.com.
(248) 890-9283
UN Environmental Programs: https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/press-release/un-report-time-seize-opportunity-tackle-challenge-e-waste
SERI website: https://sustainableelectronics.org
SERI R2v3 standard link: https://sustainableelectronics.org/welcome-to-r2v3/document-library/
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