Evidence based decision making - The Seven Quality Management Principles

In this next blog post we will be discussing the 6th Quality Management Principle, Evidence based decision making. Evidence based decision making is about improving the overall decision-making processes of the business. It has its challenges including the subjectivity and interpretation of inputs that are a part of the process. Understanding the cause-and-effect of unintended consequences is also important to properly benefit from this principle.
Quality Management Principles:
1. Customer focus
2. Leadership
3. Engagement of people
4. Process approach
5. Improvement
6. Evidence based decision making
7. Relationship management
According to the article from ISO.org titled ‘Quality Management Principles’, these Key Benefits include:
Key benefits
• Improved decision-making processes
• Improved assessment of process performance and ability to achieve objectives
• Improved operational effectiveness and efficiency
• Increased ability to review, challenge and change opinions and decisions
• Increased ability to demonstrate the effectiveness of past decisions
According to qualitygurus.com titled “Seven Quality Management Principles in a Nutshell” “Evidence-based decision making (EBDM) is one of the most significant principles of business today. EBDM focuses on using evidence from research studies to make decisions about how to run businesses effectively. It helps managers identify what works and what doesn't by analyzing data and information collected through surveys, experiments, observations, etc. In addition, EBDM enables companies to develop strategies based on facts rather than assumptions.”
Actions you can take
The first action step for your business starts with using evidence to evaluate, measure and monitor your business’s performance. Making sure all data is accurate and reliable, and ensuring it is available to the right people in the organization is crucial. It is important to analyze the data using suitable methods and know the people involved in the process are competent and will make an appropriate evaluation. These steps will support your business in making the best decision possible with the information at hand.
Fact-based decision making is critical to the success of your business, and it is vital to make the appropriate evaluations and decisions with your data. An article from dqsglobal.com titled ‘Seven quality management principles’ discusses the tools used to support fact-based decision making and the positive outcomes that the process can help your company achieve:
To support fact-based decisions, use the following:
Measuring quantitative and qualitative data and information
Regular assessment of intended goals, metrics, and other performance indicators, for example, trends and benchmarking.
What can you achieve with fact-based decision making?
With valid numbers, data and facts, you ideally create
A higher degree of objectivity
More confidence in the decisions made
Optimized target setting and target control
The avoidance of wrong decisions
Improved use of resources
Overall, it is critical to use data to support the decision-making process within your business. Those involved in the analysis of the data must have the experience and credibility to formulate an appropriate outcome. Fact-based decision making can lead to many benefits for the entire company and an important part of the principle. A consistent collection of accurate data is crucial for making fact-based decisions to determine desired outcomes for the business.
Other Helpful and Informative Blog Posts -
ISO 9001 – The Seven Quality Management Principles (QMP)
Customer Focus - The Seven Quality Management Principles
Leadership - The Seven Quality Management Principles
Engagement of people - The Seven Quality Management Principles
Process approach - The Seven Quality Management Principles
Improvement- The Seven Quality Management Principles
Resources -
#business #WilkshireConsultingQMS #Management #ISO9001 #ISO #consulting #isocertification #quality #Training #audit