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R2v3 Appendix A – Downstream Recycling Chain Applicability

Appendix A – Downstream Recycling Chain the first appendices of the R2v3 Standard defines the requirements for recyclers engaged in utilizing a downstream vendor to further process the R2 Control Steams or materials your facility accepts.


Let’s first take a look at how R2v3 defines R2 Control Streams vs Non-Controlled / Unrested Streams.



R2 Controlled Streams are defined in Table 1 of the R2 Equipment Categorization Guide REC. This can be found free on the SERI website in the following link here -


R2 Controlled Streams as you can see do not apply to new equipment or components that are new and unopened in original equipment manufacture or OEM. This means if your facility accepts new equipment and components that they are not auditable and will not be audited by your assigned auditor during your certification audits.


Additionally, materials accepted that are non-electronic and do not contain Focus Materials. Focus materials are defined by the R2v3 standard as:


·       Batteries

·       Circuit Board

·       Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PBCs)

·       Mercury Containing devices

·       Cathode Ray Televisions CRT (or CRT glass)



Who is appendix A applicable too?


Appendix A – Downstream Recycling Chain requirement found in Appendix A is applicable to any recyclers:


A Recycler requires the use of DSVs for further processing of R2 controlled streams.


So, if your organization is the final destination (final point of processing) and does not require a downstream vendor to process R2 controlled Steams Appendix A does NOT apply to you.


Appendix A will apply to facilities that are sending R2 Controlled Steams downstream for further processing.


Examples of facility activities that would require the addition of Appendix A to your R2v3 Certification Scope may include:


·       The facility accepts R2 Controlled Streams – equipment, components or focus materials that needs further processing at the downstream vendors facility

·       For organization that utilize a downstream vendor for test and/or repair.

·       For organization that utilize a downstream vendor for data sanitization either logical sanitization or physical destruction.


If you are shipping R2 controlled streams to perform activities to process in the above examples or similar scenarios that Appendix A applies to you.


You can find more information on determination of your R2v3 facility scope here - Link:



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